Threat Assessment Team

The EP42 Threat Assessment Team (TAT) promotes a safe and secure environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors to the Washington State University campuses. They connect the dots across WSU to de-escalate threatening situations and work with appropriate authorities to help solve problems non-violently. A recommending body, the EP42 Threat Assessment Team works quickly and efficiently with the best information available at the time of the concern.


Washington State University’s EP42 Threat Assessment Team identifies, assesses, and addresses threats to the university community and property. They receive and assess reports of threats and other concerning behavior reportedly carried out by students, employees of the university, or by others who may impact the safety of the WSU community.

The EP42 Threat Assessment Team coordinates with university stakeholders to receive and assess information of potential threats using evidence-based behavioral structured professional judgment assessment model. Further, the team recommends university action regarding safety and security matters to the appropriate university decision makers, consistent with carrying out the university’s mission and goals.

Threat Assessment Team Co-Chairs

Jennifer Hyatt, Associate Vice Chancellor & Dean of Students

Gary Jenkins, Director of Public Safety – Chief of Police